Google DeepMind Unveils 13X Faster, 10X Efficient AI Training with JEST


Google DeepMind has introduced JEST (joint example selection), an AI training method that significantly reduces computing costs and energy consumption, enhancing the economics of AI development and its applications in online commerce and global customer support. JEST delivers a 13-fold increase in performance and a tenfold improvement in power efficiency compared to existing methods, addressing the environmental and financial concerns associated with AI data centers. So lets dive into Google DeepMind Unveils 13X Faster, 10X Efficient AI Training with JEST

Dmytro Shevchenko, a data scientist at, highlights the necessity of evolving training methods for large language models (LLMs) due to the rapid pace of data evolution and the growing need for models that can adapt to new information and contexts.

Unlike traditional methods focusing on individual data points, JEST selects entire batches of data. A smaller AI model first grades data quality, ranking batches, and then a larger model is trained using these high-quality batches, making the training process more efficient and effective. Read more such articles on

About Google DeepMind JEST

Google DeepMind has introduced JEST (Joint Example Selection Training), a cutting-edge AI training method that vastly improves efficiency over traditional techniques. JEST requires 13 times fewer training iterations to achieve comparable model performance and consumes 10 times less energy than current AI training methods.

This innovation significantly reduces computational costs and environmental impact, offering a more sustainable approach to AI development.

How JEST Works:

  1. Small Model Training: A smaller AI model is trained to evaluate and grade the quality of data from high-quality sources.

  2. Batch Ranking: The small model ranks batches of data based on their quality.

  3. Large Model Training: The ranked batches are used to train a larger AI model, selecting only the most suitable data for efficient learning. 

    Initially, offline curation methods concentrated on evaluating the quality of textual captions and their alignment with high-quality datasets, often employing pretrained models such as CLIP and BLIP for filtering purposes. However, these approaches tend to overlook the interdependencies among data batches. Cluster-level data pruning mitigates this issue by minimizing semantic redundancy and applying core-set selection techniques, yet these methods remain heuristic-based and not tightly aligned with specific training goals.

    In contrast, online data curation evolves during the learning process, overcoming the constraints of static strategies. This dynamic approach includes techniques like hard negative mining to refine the selection of challenging examples and model approximation, which leverages smaller models as stand-ins for larger ones to boost data selection efficiency.

    JEST selects the most relevant data sub-batches from a larger super-batch using model-based scoring functions, considering losses from both the learner and pretrained reference models. Combining approaches like prioritizing high-loss batches for the learner and low-loss data for the reference model, learnability scoring accelerates large-scale learning by prioritizing unlearned and learnable data. Enhanced scoring through online model approximation and multi-resolution training further refines the process, optimizing performance.

Google DeepMind Unveils 13X Faster, 10X Efficient AI Training with JEST

In the realm of AI, data curation is paramount, directly influencing the performance of language, vision, and multimodal models. Well-curated datasets can yield robust results with minimal data, yet manual curation remains costly and challenging to scale.

Researchers at Google DeepMind have introduced an innovative approach—model-based data curation using the JEST algorithm. This method selects data batches collectively, significantly enhancing training efficiency and reducing computational costs. JEST, and its variant Flexi-JEST, mark a breakthrough in AI training, offering faster, more power-efficient solutions crucial for sustainable AI development.

By utilizing a smaller model to filter and select high-quality data, JEST enables more effective training of larger models, leading to significant performance improvements. JEST’s efficiency comes from evaluating data batches rather than individual examples, leveraging multimodal contrastive learning to accelerate training.

Key Components:

  1. Learnability Scoring: Uses both a learner model and a reference model to prioritize challenging and informative batches.

  2. Batch Selection: Inspired by Gibbs sampling, this algorithm ensures the most valuable batches are chosen, speeding up the process.

DeepMind’s experiments show JEST achieves state-of-the-art performance with up to 13 times fewer training iterations and ten times less energy consumption, marking a substantial leap in AI training efficiency and sustainability. However, JEST relies on well-curated smaller datasets, and developing methods to automatically infer optimal reference distributions remains an open challenge. Despite this, JEST’s efficiency improvements are crucial for the sustainable scaling of AI capabilities.

The evaluation of JEST’s effectiveness in generating learnable batches revealed that it swiftly improves batch learnability with only a few iterations. JEST outperforms independent selection and delivers performance on par with brute-force approaches. In multimodal learning, JEST not only accelerates training but also boosts final performance, with advantages increasing with filtering ratios. The compute-efficient variant, Flexi-JEST, leverages multi-resolution training to cut down on computational overhead while still maintaining performance gains. JEST’s performance improves with better data curation and surpasses previous models across various benchmarks, demonstrating its superior efficiency in both training and computation.

LLM Training Advances in AI

Improved training methods are essential for AI models to handle niche or sensitive domains, such as healthcare or finance, accurately. Heather Morgan Shoemaker, CEO of Language I/O, emphasizes the importance of these advancements. Emerging techniques include:

  • Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF): Fine-tunes models based on user interactions, enhancing recommendation systems for more personalized product offerings.

  • Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT): Adapts AI models to specific tasks or domains efficiently, benefiting online retailers during peak sales periods.

These innovations are crucial for enhancing AI adaptability and performance in specialized areas.

Harnessing Multilingual Capabilities for Global eCommerce Success

A crucial aspect of AI development is ensuring language models accurately respond across all supported languages. Many companies assume their AI systems can effectively translate content, including specialized terminology, which often results in inaccuracies.

To tackle this, organizations like Language I/O are developing new approaches. Heather Morgan Shoemaker explains their retrieval augmented generation (RAG) process, which equips AI to respond natively in the requestor’s language, enhancing multilingual support in eCommerce.

Improving multilingual AI can revolutionize online shopping by offering better product recommendations, customer service, and smoother operations. This results in improved customer experiences, fewer language obstacles, and the potential for increased revenue.

Google DeepMind Unveils 13X Faster, 10X Efficient AI Training with JEST Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the JEST method, which is designed to select the most learnable data batches, significantly speeds up large-scale multimodal learning, achieving up to 10× greater efficiency and 13× fewer examples. This approach underscores the potential of “data quality bootstrapping,” where small, curated datasets improve learning efficiency on larger, uncurated datasets. Unlike static dataset filtering that can restrict performance, JEST’s online batch construction boosts pretraining effectiveness.

This suggests that foundation distributions could replace generic foundation datasets, whether through pre-scored or dynamically adjusted datasets via JEST. However, the reliance on small, curated reference datasets highlights a need for further research to develop methods for deriving these reference datasets from downstream tasks.

Google DeepMind Unveils 13X Faster, 10X Efficient AI Training with JEST FAQs

What is JEST?

JEST stands for Joint Example Selection Training, and it is a new AI training method developed by Google DeepMind. JEST aims to make AI training significantly faster and more energy-efficient compared to traditional techniques.

According to Google DeepMind’s research, JEST can achieve the same performance as existing models with up to 13 times fewer training iterations and 10 times less computational power.

JEST operates by initially training a smaller AI model to assess and rank the quality of data batches sourced from high-quality datasets. It then uses this smaller model to select the most suitable data batches to train a larger AI model, making the overall training process much more efficient.

The main benefits of JEST are:

  • Significant speed improvements, up to 13x fewer training iterations

  • Dramatic reductions in energy consumption, up to 10x less computational power

  • Ability to leverage multimodal data and identify dependencies between different data types

  • Potential to make AI training more sustainable and accessible

Some key limitations of JEST include:

  • Reliance on having access to smaller, well-curated datasets to guide the data selection process

  • Challenges in automatically inferring optimal reference distributions for the data selection

Traditional AI training methods typically focus on individual data points, which can be computationally expensive. JEST innovates by shifting the focus to entire batches of data, allowing it to be much more efficient.

JEST could have a wide range of applications, from accelerating the development of large language models to improving the efficiency of AI systems in areas like ecommerce, customer support, and healthcare.

By dramatically reducing the energy consumption and computational requirements of AI training, JEST has the potential to significantly mitigate the environmental impact of AI development and deployment.

JEST was developed by researchers at Google DeepMind, the AI research lab of Google. The research on JEST has been published, and the method represents a significant advancement in the field of efficient AI training.

As JEST continues to gain traction, it could shift the focus of AI research towards more strategic and efficient approaches to training, leading to further innovations in AI algorithms and methodologies. JEST’s potential to accelerate research, drive innovation, and make AI more environmentally friendly could have a transformative impact on the AI industry.

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